
Latxa Euskarazko Hizkuntza-Eredua
Artikulu honetan Latxa hizkuntza-ereduak (HE) aurkeztuko ditugu, egun euskararako garatu diren HE handienak. Latxa HEek 7.000 miloi …
Latxa Euskarazko Hizkuntza-Eredua
Lessons from the Trenches on Reproducible Evaluation of Language Models
Effective evaluation of language models remains an open challenge in NLP. Researchers and engineers face methodological issues such as …
Lessons from the Trenches on Reproducible Evaluation of Language Models
IKER-GAITU: research on language technology for Basque and other low-resource languages
The general objective of the IKER-GAITU project is to research on language technology to increase the presence of Basque in the digital …
IKER-GAITU: research on language technology for Basque and other low-resource languages